Tuesday – “Introduction to Zen Meditation” Course

The Introduction to Zen Meditation course is led by our Guiding Teachers, monastics and senior students.  Each course consists of four lessons, and they are held on  Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The course will introduce participants to Zen and the basic forms of practice, including bowing, chanting, and sitting. No experience is required, and all are welcome.  In order to encourage full participation of the classes, there will be a fee of $300.  This fee will be refunded upon full participation of all classes.  Otherwise, the fee collected will be used for supporting the activities of the Zen center.

The September (date: 12, 19, 26/9, 3/10) course is already full.  For all those who have enrolled in the course, please arrive 15 minutes early for registration.

For Tuesdays starting from 10 October, we will have evening meditation practice from 7:30pm to 9:00pm for all those who have participated in the previous Tuesday introduction courses.